In the previous posts we've discussed questions to incorporate into author/illustrator presentations. Part 1 covered Your Own Personal Story and Part 2 talked about How you work. Today, we'll discuss Your Published Work.
Here are some questions & answers to consider incorporating in your next presentation:
Your Published Work
What was your first book?
How many books have you written/illustrated?
How did you get the job? And/or find the publisher?
How did it feel when you were told it would be published?
How did it feel when you saw your book for the first time?
How did you work with the illustrator (if appropriate)?
Where did you get your idea for the book?
How many times did you have to rewrite it before it was published?
How long did it take to write the story?
Where you told what the characters should be or did you decide for yourself?
How did you decide what the characters would look like?
How do you decide what else to put in the picture?
Do you have the original drawings for the book?
Do you like the way the finished book looks?
Did you have to change anything about the story?
Are you writing a sequal?
What will your next book be?
When will it come out?
Incorporate some of the answers to these question into your presentations and you'll have enhanced your presention to gold star status.
Now you know the 3 things audiences expect from an author or illustrator presentation: Part 1 - Your Personal Story, Part 2 - How You Work and Part 3 Your Published Work/s
Hopefully, these suggestion have inspired you to beef up your presentation.
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