Who among us could have ever imagined a time when everything, and I mean everything would shut down; churches, schools, movie theaters, Broadway shows, sports events and restaurants, and live television shows where the announcers and commentators are broadcasting from home? Where folks over 60 are told to stay home to stay safe? Where those that have to be out and about are told to stay six feet apart, bump elbows instead of shaking hands and absolutely no hugs? It sounds like a movie script about the future; fictitious words no one would believe. And yet, here we are in the middle of a World Wide Pandemic!
Writing, for those of us who love to create stories, will be the escape we so desperately need in these challenging times. Intellectually, we all know that what makes a story great are the trials and tribulations our characters face and overcome. That's where our characters change and grow, hopefully for the better.
Life has given us all the opportunity to model those positive changes in our own lives. We need to record and remember that the emotions we're feeling, the highs and the lows, the fears and bright spots along the way, words of encouragement and words that depress, can all be applied to the characters in our current works in progress, or in characters in stories to come.
Positive, extraordinary things can emerge from the most horrendous experiences.
Write on, writer friends. Write on!
Holiday Spirit
4 days ago
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