Some days the old creativity tank is over flowing with ideas and other times it's empty, empty, empty. It was on one of those empty days that I first noticed the spider happily building her web across the patio door; not the stationary one but the one leading to our deck. Moonlight cast its beams illuminating each silky thread of the intricate web.
The next morning, just when I was wondering what to do about the web, I noticed the spider frantically taking it down, silky thread by silky thread. Soon, there was no indication that it had ever been. But up in the corner, the spider slept. The next night, the spider went to work again. And in the morning, she took it down again.
Meanwhile, stored in a file in my computer sat a PB manuscript about a spider who was having trouble spinning a regular web. The idea of spinning a web and removing it to do it all over again never occurred to me, until the spider began visiting my patio door.
Aha! Revision complete and better than least I think so.
Writer's beware, even that bug on the wall can be inspiration!
New Release Spotlight: Jamie Ogle
1 week ago
I can picture that poor frustrated spider starting over every morning. Been there, done that.
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